Anime Piano Nostalgia (30.000 sub special) : Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, Digimon

Anime Piano Nostalgia

Alright, a bit delayed, but I finally uploaded my 30.000 Subscriber special video series!

It’s called Anime Piano Nostalgia and the name says it:
“Classic” Anime Songs everybody knows and loves, from the three child-hood defining Series: Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, and Digimon.

I transcribed the Opening from each Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon (first Season) and the “digitation” song from Digimon Adventure (First season) – Brave Heart.

All three of them rank among my favorite Anime Songs ever and I guess at half of you can still remember the lyrics for the songs.

Dragon Ball Z Opening – Cha-la Head Cha-la
Anime Piano Nostalgia (Part 1) – Cha-la Head Cha-la – Dragon Ball Z OP

Sailor Moon (S1) Opening – Moonlight Densetsu
Anime Piano Nostalgia (Part 2) – Moonlight Densetsu – Sailor Moon OP

Digimon Adventure (S1) Digitaion Song – Brave Heart
Anime Piano Nostalgia (Part 3) – Brave Heart – Digimon Digitation Song

Alright, that would be my Anime Piano Nostalgia Series, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

I’ll look forward for 40K subs, to make another transcription special series!

See you next time!


I decided to ragequit but then I realized I’ve done this before (Guilty Crown Insert song – Euterpe)

To come straight to the point: The last week was for me a nightmare.

You want to know why? The whole story began with a simple and insignificant comment on youtube:

I thought -sure, why not?- and began working on the opening “My Dearest”. I advanced very quickly and already finished the main melody and harmonics in only a few hours.

But then more and more people are demanding me writing the transcription, so I thought: okay, so I’m totally going to make the best-piano-cover-ever-even-more epic-than-my-previous-one and began to add details and my usual original parts in the transcription.

One day, two days, three days passed and I realized I still haven’t even finished 50 % of the sheet!

It was the same story as the Angel beats transcription fiasko. I couldn’t finish it either because of the pressure. The higher the anticipation, the greater the stress.

I admit: there is a sort of competition on youtube: Who is going to make the best transcription, who is getting more views, who is the first uploading a piano cover.

So I really didn’t want to lose this “competition” (silly me). But then more and more piano covers appeared and I thought to myself: I must be an idiot for getting mad about something like this. (I know, I know, history repeats himself)

…which ultimately lead to the second ragequit.

The story should normally end here but then –

TehIshter came and saved me from this dilemma:

Thank god, he appeared! Since Tehishter is also one of my favorite anime music transcriber I believe the transcription is in good hands (also I am really curious about the Animenz-influenced transcription)

After this I felt relieved and I decided to stay away from transcribing for a while.

But then, since I am not obliged anymore to finish the transcription of “My dearest” , my mind is finally free from all those stress and suddenly, my creativity kicked in with full force.

I wanted to transcribe something else and I decided to make a sheet for the awesome insert song which played at the very beginning of Guilty Crown ep 1.

Originally, it was only one page long with the main melody and some easy accompaniment on the left hand, but my ideas kept coming and eventually it ended up just as it is now, six pages long.

I am not lying to you: I have finished this sheet in only one night (roughly seven hours) and afterwards, I only edited some minor things. Probably my brain was cheering: Freedom! Finally I can work on something others than the §%&§ Guilty Crown opening!” and the rest ist history.

If you have already listened the transcription, you’ll notice it has a rather melancholic and sad atmosphere and it’s getting very emotional towards the end. I guess I have collected all of my experience and stress of the last few weeks and make them to music.

TL;DR Trying too hard is bad for your health.

Oh yeah, since stupid wordpress is disabling mediafire direct links (seriously, why are you doing this) I’ll give you instead the tinyurl links, which leads to mediafire.