More Love for AKB0048 (AKB0048 Soundtrack – Kanashimi no ato ni)

Takamina ;_;

Whoa, three transcriptions in a row about one anime series?

This can only mean one thing: I love the series.

Once again, the goal of this transcription is to convince more people to watch AKB0048, because it keeps getting better and better every week. Seriously, it’s really unexpectedly good and definitely going to be one of my favorite shows this year.

Also, it’s a special kind of transcription, because it’s not an OP or ED, but a Soundtrack.

Especially one particular piece got stuck in my head and I couldn’t forget about it.

I occurs in the episode 7, in [20:00] to be precisely. (the scene where Takamina arrived in the kirara cave of succesion)

According to the official OST, the title of the track (no. 20) is Kanashimi no ato ni (formerly known as Takaminas theme).

Summer anime is going to start soon, but I am really glad I picked up AKB0048, because it’s the real surprise hit of the spring season 2012.

-= Download the sheet and midi file here =-

[Kanashimi no ato ni]         (difficulty: challenging)

Finally the spring anime season has arrived (Mysterious girlfriend X – Soundtrack)

and so… a new journey begins…

Hey everyone, it’s time for an update again!

Since the last winter anime season was very, VERY disappointing, (I dropped everything except Another and Daily lives of highschool boys) I am glad that spring season has finally arrived upon us and it looks more exciting than ever. Currently there are 8 shows on my watchlist including long awaited adaptions  like Mysterious girlfriend X or sequels like Eureka seven AO.

So today, I’ll start off with something unusual: a transcription of a soundtrack instead of a opening.

Remember the music which plays during the dream sequence of the first episode of Mysterious girlfriend X?

It was a really catchy waltz-like theme and I couldn’t get it out of my head, so I just went and transcribe it.

I also quoted an another famous piece by a very famous russian composer. Bonus point for everyone who can recognize it.

As usual, I’ll rename this sheet if the official soundtrack is out, currently I name it  “Dream theme

Did I mention how much I’ve missed to transcribe things again? So expect a lot of updates this season.

Oh by the way, today is friday the 13th. What a great day to start off the new anime season.


JC Staff in charge of anime adaption?!? NOOOOOOOOooo!!!!!

I dare you, JC Staff,  I DOUBLE DARE YOU, do NOT fuck up the Little Busters! anime or heads will roll.

A small tribute to the possibly best fanmade Visual Novel ever (Katawa Shoujo – title screen music “Wiosna”)

So it’s finally here. The Visual Novel I’ve been awaiting for since the first demo was out in 2009.

You couldn’t imagine how excited I was when I finally finished downloading this game and begin to play.

My only reaction after I finished all routes:

the tears… they won’t stop

My god, it was beautiful. Every single route was fantastic. The music, the script, the artwork. I still can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed this. All girls were fantastic, you just can’t stop to care for them and share your love.

After I finished all routes, I felt empty, liveless, incredibly sad – but happy at the same time. I just can’t forget about the girls, the 30 hours of playing time you spent with them, the history you and the girls have shared – everything.

So the least I can do is to transcribe the music of the title screen, called “Wiosna”. Kudos to the guy, who composed this (and the whole soundtrack in general)

Do you know the feeling when you have just watched the last episode of an awesome anime you have been following for weeks, and then suddenly, when the credits begin to roll,  you realize this is probably your favorite anime of all time, but you know there won’t be another episode and you will never see your favorite characters again? That soul-crushing feeling of emptiness after you have witnessed the greatest thing ever?

Yeah, that’s how I feel now.

So, if you still haven’t played this yet, go and download the game here:

Farewell, Lilly, Emi, Rin, Hanako, Shizune, and Misha. I will miss you so badly ;_;

-=Download the sheet here=-

[Wiosna pdf + midi]    (difficulty: easy)

I am in love (Dantalian no Shoka OP – Cras numquam scire)

This theme.


I was … blown away.

When I heard the theme for the first time, it send a chill down my spine and I was loss for words.

I mean, just listen to it.

Video not found

– epic latin (elfen lied anyone?)

– epic voice

– epic piano + strings

– epic melody

I just love this. And I am still loss for words.

Just, grab the sheet and enjoy it.

Download the sheets and the MIDI file here:

[Cras numquam scire pdf + midi]       (difficulty: average)


Madoka is officially the best show I’ve watched for years (Sagita Luminis – piano sheet)

 I’ll get straight to the point: Mahou shoujo Magica Madoka was the most exciting, best written, universally acclaimed and simply the best TV-series I’ve seen in the few past years.

Seriously, when was the last time I gave a 10/10 rating in myanimelist? I think the last 10/10 rating I gave was Aria…

Also I was pleased about the fact that the show was both extremely popular (read: hyped) on the anime community and I actually AGREED and enjoyed the show. Let’s look back: Ore no Imouto was the last seasons hyped anime and – I hated it. Highschool of the dead was the most popular show in summer 2010 – and I hated it. Angel beats was the most discussed show in spring 2010 – and … okay, I guess it wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t also a 10/10 masterpiece either.

Nevertheless, Madoka is a show that truly deserves the hype and I am so glad that it didn’t screw up the finale, (at last I’ve watched a show with a satisfying closing episode, it’s been a while too) both bittersweet and logical. (fuck those who says this is a deus-ex-machina ending)

Oh, and if you didn’t quite understand the ending (aka TOO DEEP FOR YOU) then check out this excellent post by ImperialX. He pretty much explained everything.

So when I was watching the final episode, there was this scene, where Madoka became a god and Homura must leave her forever… (episode 12 at 10:30 minutes)

if you are offended by this picture because of the nudity then GTFO now because this is art

…the yet unknown soundtrack began to play and… and…. and – okay I cried like a bitch because it was just too beautiful.


So after finishing Madoka, I just ran to the piano, and tried to transcribe it. It was not really easy though, because I have to replay the scene between 10:30 and 13:20 over and over again…(including Homuras voice and her desperate screams during the scene)

I also noticed that this is one of the few soundtracks of Madoka which is actually in a major key. And damn, I really love this track, it’s gives you a good feeling and at the same time it’s incredibly sad. As if the music wants to tell you: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine“. Once again, many thanks to Yuki Kajiura for composing this epic piece of music!

Well, I couldn’t think of how I should name the sheet (I actually thought about naming it Untitled soundtrack 2 but it sounded just silly) and so I decided for “last theme – miracle” because it’s the last heard soundtrack of Madoka. And a miracle truly happened.

[EDIT on 15.04.2013, fixed the name of the sheet]

Coincidentally this is my longest (2:40 min) and slowest played transcription I’ve ever made. And it’s the only level 2 transcription I’ve made so far. But this is for sure one of my favorite transcriptions, because I really love the calm and positive tune.

Okay, now let’s stop right here,  just enjoy the sheet and – if you still haven’t watched Mahou shoujo Magica Madoka yet – go watch it. You won’t regret it.


-= Download the sheets here =-

[Sagitta Luminis pdf + midi]              (difficulty: easy)